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Saeid Moosavi

Saeid Moosavi

Assistant Professor
Ph.D in Electrical Engineering at UNIVERSITÉ DE TECHNOLOGIE DE BELFORT-MONTBÉLIARD (UTBM), Belfort, France (2010-2013)
(Thesis Submitted for the Ph.D Degree: Fault analysis and diagnosis in traction chain of PMSM based series hybrid vehicle)
Research Interests
Electrification, renewable energy, Electric Vehicle, Electrical Machines and Drives, Fault diagnosis and signal processing 
Honors and Awards

·    $500 award for paper in IEEE international conference PEDSTC 2013 from IEEE IAS - Tehran - Iran (2012/13).

·    $2200 award for participating in IEEE international conference ECCE 2014 from IEEE IAS - Pittsburgh - USA (2013/14).

·    Best paper prize for paper entitled “Pattern Identification for Fault Detection in the Power Supply of a Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle (SHEV)”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drive System & Technologies (PEDSTC 13), 13-14 Feb 2013.

·    IEEE international Conferences - IECON 2013 Reviewer (1 paper), 

·    IEEE international Conferences - APEC 2014 Reviewer (8 papers)

·    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Reviewer (2 papers) 2013/14.

·    President and organizer of Special Session of PEDSTC (2014) IEEE international conference (

·    President and founder of UTBM IEEE SB for first time at university of technology of Belfort Montbeliard and east FRANCE  (

·    President and founder of UTBM IEEE IAS chapter for first time at university of technology of Belfort Montbeliard and east FRANCE  (

·    President and organizer of first IEEE SB IAS chapter inauguration in France (

Previous and Present Positions
Assistant Professor at Universite de Technologie de Belfort Montbeliard- France (2013-2014)
Head of presidential office and Director public relation and international affairs (2015-present) 
Teaching Experiences


Lecturer and researcher (Attaché temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche) at UNIVERSITÉ DE TECHNOLOGIE DE BELFORT-MONTBÉLIARD, FEMTO-ST laboratory (2013-2014)
Assistant Professor at Amol University of Special Modern Technologies (2014-present)
Journal Papers

1-       S.S. Moosavi, , A. Kazemi, H. Akbari, "A comparison of various methods of identifying open-circuit fault in the IGBT-based DC/AC inverter used in electric vehicle", Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 96, Pp. 223-235, 2019.

2-       S. S. Moosavi,  H. Rezaee, A. Kazemi, A. Ranjbar, "Efficiency improvement and inrush current reduction in a non-isolated DC-DC converter", International Journal of Industrial Electronics, Control and Optimization, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 137-144, April (2019).

3-       S. S. Moosavi, Hesam Akbari, Saeed Valipour, "An Open-Circuit Fault Detection Method with Wavelet Transform In IGBT-Based DC/AC Inverter Used in Electric Vehicles", International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS) Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2018, pp. 1240~1250. 

4-       Seyed Saeid Moosavi, Asadollah Kazemi, Hessam Akbari, "Open phases fault diagnosis of IGBT based DC-AC inverter of electric vehicle", Tabriz Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 48, no. 3, autumn 2018.

5-       S. S. Moosavi, Hesam Akbari, Saeed Valipour, "An open-circuit Fault detection method with wavelet transform in IGBT-based DC/AC inverter used in electric vehicles", International Journal
of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), Accepted, 2018. 

6-       WENJUN LIU QIN ZHOU a, AIMIN PAN, HADI REZAZADEH, MOHAMMAD MIRZAZADEH, SEYED SAEID MOOSAVI, MOSTAFA ESLAMI, M. EKICI, "Exact solutions of the perturbed modified KdV equation using the functional variable method", Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 6, No. 5-6, May – June 2018.

7-       E Mostafa, R Hadi, Rezazadeh: Mohammadreza, S. S. Moosavi, "Exact solutions to the space–time fractional Schrödinger–Hirota equation and the space–time modified KDV–Zakharov–Kuznetsov equation", Optical and Quantum Electronics, Springer US, 2017.

8-       S. Saeid. Moosavi, A. Djerdir, Y. A. Amirat, D. A. Khaburi, “Artificial Neural Network based Fault Detection in the AC-DC Converter of the Power Supply of SHEV”,  Electrical Systems in Transportation, IET, Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2016, p. 96 – 106.

9-       S. Saeid. Moosavi, A. Djerdir, Y. Aït-Amirat, D. A. Khaburi, “Demagnetization Fault Diagnosis in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors – A review  of state of the art”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, manuscript number: Volume 391, 1 October 2015, Pages 203–212.

10-   S. Saeid. Moosavi, A. Djerdir, Y. Aït-Amirat, D. A. Khaburi, 'ANN based fault diagnosis of permanent magnet synchronous motor under stator winding shorted turn', Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 125, August 2015, Pages 67–82.

11-   Saeid Moosavi, A. Djerdir, Y. Ait Amirat, 'Multiple Coupled Circuit modeling of Induction Machines under Rotor Bar Fault', International Journals of Advanced Information Science and Technology (IJAIST) , Volume 30, October 2014, Page 44-49.

12-   Seyed saeid Moosavi, A. N'Diaye, A. DjerdirY. Aït. Amirat, D. A. Khaburi, Y. NACERA, “Inter-Turn Fault Diagnosis in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors – A Review”, International Journals of Advanced Information Science and Technology (IJAIST) , Volume 30, October 2014, Page 37-43.

13-   Andrei NEGOITA, Saeid MOOSAVI, Abdoul N’DIAYE , A. Djerdir, Y. Ait Amirat, 'Study of static eccentricity effects on the noise level of a squirrel cage induction motor', International Journals of Advanced Information Science and Technology (IJAIST), Volume 30, October 2014, Page 30-36.

14-   Saeb Moosavi, AmirHossein Davaie Markazi, Seyed Saeid Moosavi, “Designing a Retrofit Kit for Reducing Fuel Consumption in I.C. Engines, International Review of Mechanical Engineering”, International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.) - Volume. 6, May  2012, Page 752-762.

Conference Papers

1-     1-       S.Saeid Mousavi Anchepoli, Shaghayegh Fahimi, "Overview of Battery Modeling Methods in Electric Vehicles", 2nd international conference on Modern Technologies in Sciences, 13th March 2019.

2-       S.Saeid Mousavi Anchepoli, Shaghayegh Fahimi, "Fault Detection Methods for Lithium Batteries Used in Electric Vehicles", 2nd international conference on Modern Technologies in Sciences, 13th March 2019.

3-       Mehdi Asadi1, hadi behkar1, hadi gavzan galogah1, Saeid Moosavi, "Review and introduction of advanced energy storage   technology cycles using a pumped storage power plant", 2nd international conference on Modern Technologies in Sciences, 13th March 2019.

4-       S.Saeid Mousavi Anchepoli, "A non-isolated DC-DC converter parameter improvement with PID control method in PV systems", 2nd international conference on Modern Technologies in Sciences, 13th March 2019.

5-       S. S. Moosavi, M. Moghadasian, A. Djerdir, Y. Aït. Amirat, "Fault detection in power supply of series hybrid electric vehicles (SHEV) using ANFIS", 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drive System & Technologies (PEDSTC 18), 13-15 Feb 2018.

6-       S. S. Moosavi, Q. Esmaili, A. Djerdir, Y. Aït. Amirat, "Inter-turn fault detection in stator winding of PMSM using wavelet transform", IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 11-14 Dec. 2017.

7-       Saeed Valipour, S. Saeid Moosavi, D. A. Khaburi, A. Djerdir, "An Open-Circuit Fault Detection Method using Wavelet Transform for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter", IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC),11-14 Dec. 2017.

8-       M Moghadasian, SM Shakouhi, S. S. Moosavi, "Induction motor fault diagnosis using ANFIS based on vibration signal spectrum analysis", 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing (ICFSP), 2017.

9-       Saeid Moosavi, A. Khoshsolat, M. Faalfard, "Cloud computing security", 1st international conference on Modern Technologies in Sciences, Pp. 864-873, 2017.

10-   Saeid Moosavi, A. Khoshsolat, M. Faalfard, " Arthitecture and security problems of IOT ", 1st international conference on Modern Technologies in Sciences, Pp. 874-882, 2017.

11-     Seyed saeid Moosavi , A. Kazemi, S. M. Miresmaeili, "open phase fault Detection in IGBT based DC / DC Converter  used in electric vehicles", 2nd international conference on Electrical Engineering, Tehran 2016.

12-   Seyed saeid Moosavi, A. Djerdir, Y. Aït. Amirat, D. A. Khaburi, “Demagnetization fault investigation in permanent magnet synchronous motor”, 5th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drive System & Technologies (PEDSTC 14), 5-6 Feb 2014.

13-   Seyed saeid Moosavi, D. A. Khaburi, Y. Aït. Amirat, A. Djerdir, “Fault Detection Investigation In A Full Bridge Thyristor Base AC-DC Converter”, 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013, 10-13 November, Vienna.

14-    Seyed saeid Moosavi, A. N'Diaye, A. DjerdirY. Aït. Amirat, D. A. Khaburi, “Pattern Identification For Fault Detection In The Power Supply Of A Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle (SHEV)” 4th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drive System & Technologies (PEDSTC 13), 13-14 Feb 2013. 

15-   S. Saeid. Moosavi, A. Djerdir, Y. Aït-Amirat, D. A. Khaburi, “FAULT DETECTION IN 3-PHASE TRACTION MOTOR USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS”, IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC 2012)- Michigan, USA.

16-    S. Saeid. Moosavi, A. Djerdir, Y. Aït-Amirat, D. A. Khaburi, “ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS  BASED FAULT DETECTION IN 3-PHASE PMSM TRACTION MOTOR ”, IEEE XXth International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM'2012), September 2-5-2012, Marseille, France.

17-   S. Saeid. Moosavi, A. Djerdir, Y. Aït-Amirat, D. A. Khaburi, “Impedance Angle Changes Analysis Applied to Short Circuit Fault Detection ”, XXth IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM'2012), Septembre 2-5-2012, Marseille, France.

18-   S.S.Moosavi, S.Fazel, D.A.Khaburi , S.H.Moosavi “Fault Detection in 3-phase Squirrel Cage Traction Motor Using Artificial Neural Network”  2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE-2009) Iran university of science and Technology – Tehran – I.R. Iran -Sep 27-28, 2009. (

19-   S.Saeid.Moosavi “practical methods of decreasing headway in railway lines” 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE-2009) Iran university of science and Technology - Tehran - I.R. Iran - Sep 27-28, 2009.

20-  S.S.Moosavi, S.H.Moosavi ,D.A.Khaburi, M.sandidzadeh A New Survey of Fault Detection in Traction Motor”,  rail transportation society, 11th conference and 4th international exhibition on rail transportation achievement, Tehran- Iran, October 24-25, 2009. 

Updated: 4/8/2019 4:40:24 PM
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