Associate Professor |
Academic Educations and Grades Ph.D. : Food Control and Hygiene Department of Food Hygiene; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Short-term study in University of Valencia, Spain
Thesis Title: The effect of Zataria multiflora Boiss. Essential oil on gene expression in entrotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus Granted by Ministry of Sciences, Research and Technology of Iran to spend short term study period in University of Valencia, IATA.
Master of Science: Food Science and Technology, Quality Control University of Shaheed Beheshti, Tehran, Iran, Summer 2006
Thesis Title: Effects of some natural antioxidants mixtures on margarine stability
Bachelor in Science: Food Science and Technology Engineering, Quality Control University of Shaheed Beheshti, Tehran, Iran, Summer 2002 Project: Production of Low Fat Spread
Languages familiar: English, French, Spanish (to some extent) Research Interests
1- Natural preservatives as antioxidants and antimicrobial,
2- Oils and Fats Technology 3- Molecular Methods in microbiology (PCR, real time PCR) 4- Nanotechnology in Food 5- Probiotics Honors and Awards
1. Grade 4 in Msc entrance exam (2003)
2. Grade 1 in Ph.D entrance exam of University of Tehran (2008) 3. Top Ph.D student in University of Tehran (2012) 4. Chosen as the best teacher in University of Khazar in 2014 5. Chosen as the best researcher in AUSMT in 2017 6.Chosen as the best teacher in Ausmt in 2018 7. Chosen as the best researcher in Mazandaran Province in 2019 8. Chosen as the best researcher in AUSMT in 2020 Previous and Present Positions
• Organ. : Assistant professor, Amol University of Special Modern Technologies, Faculty of Veterinary, Food Hygiene Department (2/2014-up to now) • Secretary of the Taskforce for Food Industry and Conversion of Thought Room of Mazandaran Province •Chief Secretary of 1st National conference on Veterinary Modern Technologies, Sep 7,2021. •Executive Secretary of 2nd International and 25th Iranian Congress on Food Science and Technology, April 25-26,2018. •Vice president of Association of Food Science and Technology in Mazandaran, since 2015. • Member of Association of Iranian Microbiologists, since 2016.
• Organ. :Azad Islamic University , Amol Branch, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science (2/2007-2/2008)
• Organ. : University of Mazandaran, Chemistry Lab (5/2007-5/2008)
• Company: Production line Supervisor, Behdaneh (Canned Food) (01/2002-09/2004) Professional Membership
Associate professor, Amol University of Special Modern
Technologies, Faculty of Veterinary, Food Hygiene Department
Teaching Experiences
1. Food Quality Control
2.Food Microbiology 3.Industrial Microbiology 4.Food Chemistry 5. Oil, meat and Cereal Technology 6. Food Chemical Control Journal Papers
The effect of natural
antioxidant mixtures on the oxidative stability of margarine. Iranian Journal of Nutrition
Sciences & Food Technology, 1 (2):35-44. http://nsft.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-17-en.html
Effect of natural antioxidant
mixtures on margarine stability. Pakistan Journal of
Agricultural Sciences, 47 (2) 140-146. http://www.pakjas.com.pk/papers/26.pdf
Effects of tocopherols on
oxidative stability of margarine. Journal of the Chemical
Society of Pakistan, 33 (1), 134-137. https://jcsp.org.pk/ArticleUpload/979-4221-1-RV.pdf
Chemical Composition,
antioxidant and antibacterial activity of the essential oil and extract from Mentha
longifolia L. Hudson from north of Iran. Journal of Agricultural
Science and Technology B 1, 11 (8) 586-592. http://www.davidpublisher.org/Public/uploads/Contribute/55d59787df0b1.pdf
Characterization of Iranian
virgin olive oil from the Roodbar region: A Study on Zard, Mari and Phishomi. Journal of the American Oil
Chemists' Society, 89 (7):1241-1247. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11746-012-2021-2
Effects of Zataria
multiflora Boiss., Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Mentha
longifolia L. essential oils on growth and gene expression of enterotoxins
C and E in Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213. Journal of Food Safety, 32
(4):508-516. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfs.12014
Effect of Zataria
multiflora Boiss. essential oil on growth and enterotoxin E production of Staphylococcus
aureus ATCC 29213. Journal of Medicinal Plants, 11
(44): 185–192. https://www.sid.ir/en/journal/ViewPaper.aspx?ID=289714
Antibacterial and antioxidant
effects of the essential oil and extract from Mentha longifolia Hudson
from north of Iran. Food Technology Research
(Agriculture Science), 22 (1): 22-29.
The effect of essential oils
on norovirus surrogates. Food Control, 32 (1)
275-278. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2012.11.031
Evaluation of Zataria
multiflora Boiss. essential oil activity against Escherichia coli
O157:H7, Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes by
propidium monoazide quantitative PCR in vegetables. Food Control, 34 (2):
770-776. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.06.036
Comparative efficacy of Zataria
multiflora Boiss., Origanum compactum and Eugenia caryophyllus
essential oils against E. coli O157:H7, feline calicivirus and
endogenous microbiota in commercial baby-leaf salads. International Journal of Food
Microbiology, 166 (2): 249–255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2013.07.020
Effects of Zataria
multiflora Boiss. essential oil on growth and gene expression of
enterotoxins A, C and E in Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213. International Journal of Food
Microbiology, 163 (2-3): 159–165. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2013.02.020
Antioxidant and antimicrobial
activities of rosemary extract, mint extract and a mixture of tocopherols in
beef sausage during storage at 4°C. Journal of Food Safety, 35
(1): 128-136. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfs.12166
Effects of Cinnamomum
zeylanicum and Ocimum basilicum essential oils on the growth of Staphylococcus
aureus ATCC 29213 and gene expression of enterotoxins A, C and E. Journal of Essential Oil
Research, 27 (6): 506-513. https://doi.org/10.1080/10412905.2015.1065774
Evaluation of antibacterial
effect of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil on three food-borne
pathogens in vegetables by propidium monoazide quantitative PCR. Journal of Food Hygiene, 18
(2): 27-40. https://www.sid.ir/en/journal/ViewPaper.aspx?id=517693
The effect of essential oils
on foodborne pathogens in leafy vegetables. Journal of Neyshabur
University of Medical Sciences, 3 (2):18-31. http://journal.nums.ac.ir/browse.php?a_id=146&sid=1&slc_lang=en
Effect of Rosmarinus
officinalis L. essential oil on growth and enterotoxin A, C and E
production of Staphylocuccus aureus ATCC 29213. Iranian Journal of Medicinal
and Aromatic Plants, 31 (5): 801-811. https://www.sid.ir/en/journal/ViewPaper.aspx?ID=508898
Microbiological and chemical
evaluation of traditional Semnan province Khikki cheeses. Applied Animal Sciences
Research Journal, 15: 57-64. https://journals.areeo.ac.ir/article_105921_c5e706ef8c04a4974ac6f8244601d601.pdf
Evaluation of antimicrobial
effect of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil on food-borne
pathogens in minced beef combining real time PCR and propidium monoazide. Electronic Journal of Food
Processing and Preservation, 7 (2): 97-118. https://www.sid.ir/en/journal/ViewPaper.aspx?id=532299
Inhibitory potential of Salvia
sclarea and Ocimum basilicum against chemical and microbial spoilage
in cheese. Journal of Food Safety, 36
(1): 109-119. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfs.12218
Establishment of a method for
describing stx genes expression of E. coli O157:H7 in ground beef
matrix during refrigerated storage. Journal of Food Safety, 36
(2): 220-226. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfs.12234
Effect of Cinnamon, Rosemary
and Zataria essential oils on food-borne gastroenteritis viruses. Journal of Mazandaran
University of Medical Sciences, 26 (141): 8-15. http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-8578-en.html
Effects of Ocimum basilicum
and Salvia sclarea essential oils on Listeria monocytogenes and Aspergillus
flavus in Iranian white cheese. Iranian Food Science and
Technology Research Journal, 12 (2): 286-295. https://www.sid.ir/en/journal/ViewPaper.aspx?id=546062
Essential oil composition and
antioxidant capacity of Carum copticum and its antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus
aureus, Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli O157:H7. Journal of Food Processing and
Preservation, 41 (3) e12938. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfpp.12938
Antibacterial activity of Carum
copticum essential oil against Escherichia coli O157:H7 in meat: stx genes
expression. Current Microbiology, 73
(2): 265–272. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00284-016-1048-2
Thymus vulgaris L. as a natural antioxidant in cooked fillet
of trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Food Quality and
Hazards Control, 3 (2): 60-66. https://iranjournals.nlai.ir/1375//pdf_366158_266bca66eb78e4c12a8b38eb1fe8a8d1.html
Effects of Carum Copticum
essential oil on growth and gene expression of enterotoxins A and C in Staphylococcus
aureus in Kilka fish (Clupeonella cultriventris caspia) surimi. Journal of Fisheries Science
and Technology, 5 (1):141-152. https://www.sid.ir/en/journal/ViewPaper.aspx?ID=509081
Antimicrobial activities of
probiotic yogurts flavored with Peppermint, Basil, and Zataria against Escherichia
coli and Listeria monocytogenes. Journal of Food Quality and
Hazards Control, 3: 79-86. http://oaji.net/articles/2016/1169-1475844979.pdf
effect of the aerial parts of basil (Ocimum basilicum) and clary sage (Salvia
sclarea) essential oils in Iranian white cheese. Iranian Food Science and
Technology Research Journal, 13 (2): 346-362. https://www.sid.ir/en/journal/ViewPaper.aspx?id=544954
The inhibitory effects of 2
commercial probiotic strains on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and
gene expression of enterotoxin A. International Journal of
Enteric Pathogens, 5 (3) 70-75. http://eprints.abzums.ac.ir/1975/1/ijep-5-70.pdf
Impact of antioxidative
properties of cumin and tarragon essential oils on the quality of full-fat
white cheese. Journal of Food Technology and
Nutrition, 14 (4) 79-90. https://www.sid.ir/en/journal/ViewPaper.aspx?ID=536865
Antioxidant effect of the
aerial parts of Basil (Ocimum basilicum) and clary sage (Salvia
sclarea) essential oils in Iranian white cheese. Iranian Food Sciencoe and
Technology Research Journal, 13 (2): 346-362. https://www.sid.ir/en/journal/ViewPaper.aspx?id=544954
The inhibitory effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus
LGG 23527on growth and enterotoxin A gene expression of S. aureus ATCC 29213. Iranian Veterinary Jiurnal, 13
(4): 9-19.
Effects of essential oil and
ethanol extract of clove on precooked rainbow trout fillet during storage at
-18°C. Journal of Food Hygiene, 7
(1): 29-42. http://www.iaujournals.ir/article_532512_c56c8a0fcd21e02f343248f34ee6e122.pdf
Impact of
antioxidative properties of cumin and tarragon essential oils on the quality of
full-fat white cheese. Journal of Food Technology and
Nutrition, 14 (4): 79-90. https://www.sid.ir/en/Journal/ViewPaper.aspx?ID=536865
Chemical and microbial quality
of Iranian commercial pasteurized milk samples at their expiration date. Journal of Food Quality and
Hazards Control, 4: 53-57. http://oaji.net/articles/2017/1169-1498543171.pdf
The inhibitory effects of Lactobacillus
fermentum, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus paracasei
isolated from yoghurt on the growth and enterotoxin A gene expression of S.
aureus. Iranian Journal of Veterinary
Medicine, 11 (2): 191-200. https://ijvm.ut.ac.ir/article_61603_633d3420b823fc3246226ceb66f681ee.pdf
Comparing inhibitory potential
of Eugenia caryophyllus and Origanum compactum against the growth
and gene expression of enterotoxins in Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213. Iranian Journal of Veterinary
Medicine, 11 (4): 299-310. https://ijvm.ut.ac.ir/article_63913_df700240b70680aba7a0bd8fc9ba49ab.pdf
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) in pastry cream products sold in Amol (Iran). Iranian Journal of Veterinary
Medicine, 12 (2): 167-173. https://ijvm.ut.ac.ir/article_66017_0e9245b301bc4e78660db9e854a39bca.pdf
Contamination of traditional
cheese in Mazandaran province to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Mazandaran
University of Medical Sciences, 28 (163): 47-56. http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-10621-en.pdf
Evaluation of oxidative
stability of pre-cooked rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillet
treated with Anethum graveolens L. essential oil. Journal of Fisheries Science
and Technology, 7 (2):125-133. https://jfst.modares.ac.ir/article-6-15823-en.html
Shelf life extension of
refrigerated, vacuum packed rainbow trout dipped in an alginate coating
containing an ethanolic extract and/or the essential oil of Mentha Aquatica. Chemical Papers, 73:
2541-2550. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11696-019-00808-8 Food poisoning bacteria from commercially
important fish species collected from markets in Mazandaran province. Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, 8
(1): 1-6. https://jfst.modares.ac.ir/article-6-23434-en.html
Detection of enterotoxin coding genes of Staphylococcus
aureus strains isolated from ground meat in retail shops in Mazandaran. Journal of Veterinary Research, 74 (1):
65-72. https://jvr.ut.ac.ir/article_70274_en.html
Increasing oxidative stability
of precooked trout fillet using herbal essential oils. Bulgarian Journal of
Veterinary Medicine ONLINE FIRST http://tru.uni-sz.bg/bjvm/M.%20Azizkhani%20OnFirst.pdf
Effect of orange juice
concentrate and chitosan coating enriched with black pepper (Piper nigrum)
essential oil on improvement of antioxidant and sensory properties of rainbow
trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillet. Iranian Food Science and
Technology Research Journal, 15 (2): 381-394. https://www.magiran.com/paper/1998028
Evaluation of Antioxidant Properties of Carum
copticum Fruit Essential Oil (EOs) and its Effect on the Oxidative Stability of
Canola Oil. Journal of Iranian Food Science and Technology
Research Journal, 84 (2): 187-197.
Increasing oxidative stability
of pre-cooked trout fillet using herbal essential oils. Bulgarian Journal of
Veterinary Medicine. DOI: 10.15547/bjvm.2212. http://tru.uni-sz.bg/bjvm/M.%20Azizkhani%20OnFirst.pdf
Improvement of the Oxidative
Stability of Canola Oil Using Carum copticum fruit extracts as a Natural
Antioxidant. Iranian Food Science and Technology Research
Journal, 15 (1): 13-24.
Antioxidant potential of cinnamon, ajowan and
zataria essential oils in grape seed oil. Iranian Food Science and Technology Research
Journal, 15 (6): 81-85.
Applying modern technique of
qPCR coupling with propidium monoazide to detect enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus
aureus in cream pastry products. Journal of Veterinary
Research, 75 (1): 57-64. https://jvr.ut.ac.ir/article_75396_en.html
Antioxidant potential of Eugenia
caryophyllus, Satureja hortensis and Artemisia dracunculus
essential oils in grape seed oil. Iranian Journal of Veterinary
Medicine, 13 (2): 217-227. https://www.sid.ir/en/Journal/ViewPaper.aspx?ID=696137
Evaluating Contamination Level of Raw and Roasted
Nuts Distributed in Commercial Markets in Mazandaran Province, Iran. Iranian Journal of Veterinary
Medicine, 14 (2): 167-176. ijvm.2020.268835.1004940
Evaluating Contamination Level of Raw and Roasted
Nuts Distributed in Commercial Markets in Mazandaran Province, Iran. Iranian Journal of Veterinary
Medicine, 90 (16): 377-386.
Effect of Orange (Citrus
aurantium) Juice Concentrate and Chitosan Coating Enriched With Fenugreek
(Trigonella foenum-graecum) Essential Oil on The Quality and Shelf Life of
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Fillet During Storage in a Refrigerator. Journal of Veterinary Research,
75 (2): 173-184.
Investigation of luecomalachite green existence
in Rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) flesh in Mazandaran province. Iranian Journal of Food
Science and Technology, 103 (17): 47-54.
Evaluating the effect of Nanoemulsion of
Artemisia dracunculusEssential Oil on Expression of virulence genes inenterohemorrhagic
Escherichia coli. Journal of Food Science and
Technology, 106 (17): 121-132.
TaqMan real-time PCR: a reliable method to detect
meat species. Journal of Food and Bioprocess
Engineer, 3 (2): 116-120.
Study of the Effect of Cuminum Cyminum
Nanoemulsion on the Microbial and Organoleptic Properties of Chicken Fillet at
4 °C. Journal of Veterinary Research,
76 (2): 192-204.
Preparation and evaluation of food-grade nanoemulsion
of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) essential oil: antioxidant and
antibacterial properties. Journal of Food Science and
Technology, 58 (4): 1341-1348.
Investigating the Potential of
the Essential Oil Nanoemulsion of Zataria multiflora Boiss. on the Gene
Expression of stx1A and stx2A in Escherichia coli as a Foodborne Pathogen. International Journal of Enteric
Pathogens, 8 (2): 44-50.
and antimicrobial activity of red onion (Allium cepa, L.) extract
nanoencapsulated in native seed gums coating and its effect
on shelf‑life
extension of beef fillet. Journal of Food Measurement
and Characterizatio, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11694-021-00985-9
Comparative antioxidant
potential of kefir and yogurt of bovine and non-bovine origins. Journal of Food Science and
Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-021-05139-9
An in-vitro assessment of antifungal and antibacterial
activity of cow, camel, ewe, and goat milk kefir and probiotic yogurt. Journal of Food Measurement
and Characterization, 15 (1): 406-415.
Antioxidant activity of Eryngium campestre L.,
Froriepia subpinnata, and Mentha spicata L. polyphenolic extracts nanocapsulated
in chitosan and maltodextrin. Journal of Food Processing and
Preservation, DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.15120.
The effect of Amygdalus scoparia Spach and
Lepidium sativum L. seed gums on the properties of formulated food supplement for
soldiers using Response Surface Methodology. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition,
9: 2280-2289.
Fortification of energy food using Iranian native
gums. Iranian Journal of Food Science and Technology,
113 (18): 101-108.
Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial
Activity of Water‑Soluble
Peptides Extracted from Iranian Traditional Kefir. International Journal of Peptide Research and
Therapeutics, 27: 1447-1449.
Survival of probiotic bacteria nanoencapsulated
within biopolymers in a simulated gastrointestinal model. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies,
72: 102750.
An in-vitro assessment of antifungal and antibacterial
activity of cow, camel, ewe, and goat milk kefir and probiotic yogurt. Journal of Food Measurement
and Characterization, 15 (1): 406-415.
Optimization of microwave‑assisted solvent extraction of hemp (Cannabis
sativa L.) seed oil using RSM: evaluation of oil quality.
Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11694-021-01087-2. Conference Papers
Synergistic effect of
soy lecithin on antioxidative activity of tocopherols. Event: 15th
National Congress of the Food Industry. Tehran, Iran. May 2005.
Presentation: Poster Antioxidative and
synergistic effects of tocopherols and lecithin. Event: 1st
National Seminar on Edible Oils and Fats. Tehran, Iran. July 2005.
Presentation: Poster Effect of blast chilling
and post-slaughter electric shock on the quality of meat. Event: 2nd
Conference and Grand Exhibition of Food Industries. Isfahan, Iran. September 2006.
Presentation: Poster Formulation of healthy
zero-trans margarine. Event: 18th
National Congress of the Food Industry. Mashad, Iran. October 2008.
Presentation: Poster Formulation of yogurt
using probiotic species and yogurt culture and evaluation of resulted
oligosaccharides. Event: 2nd
National and 1st International Congress on Functional Food. Tehran,
Iran. December 2008.
Presentation: Oral Effects of some natural
antioxidants mixtures on margarine stability. Event: World Congress on
Science, Engineering and Technology. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. January 2009.
Presentation: Oral Decreasing fatty acid content
in margarine. Event: World Congress on
Science, Engineering and Technology. Bangkok, Thailand. January 2010.
Antioxidant and
antibacterial activity of the essential oil and methanol extract from Mentha
longifolia Hudson. Event: 1st
International Congress on Food Technology. Antalya, Turkey. November 2010.
Presentation: Poster The effect of Zataria
multiflora Boiss. essential oil and nisin alone and in combination on Listeria
monocytogenes. Event: 1st
International Congress on Food Technology. Antalya, Turkey. November 2010.
Presentation: Oral Modeling of sorghum
soaking using two artificial neural networks (MLP and RBF). Event: 17th
Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering. Bangkok, Thailand. November 2010.
Presentation: Poster Application of
nanotechnology in formulation of food packaging material. Event: 19th
National Congress of the Food Industry. Tehran, Iran. November 2010.
Presentation: Poster Application of biosensor
and microbiosensor in food analysis. Event: 19th
National Congress of the Food Industry. Tehran, Iran. November 2010.
Presentation: Poster Effect of rosemary
extract, Mentha longifolia and tocopherols mix on microbiological
parameters and lipid oxidation of beef sausages during storage at 4°C. Event: World Congress on
Science, Engineering and Technology. Paris, France. November 2011.
Presentation: Poster Antioxidant effects of
tocopherol mixture, ascorbyl palmitate, rosemary extract and soy lecithin on
margarine oxidative stability. Event: World Congress on
Science, Engineering and Technology. Paris, France. November 2011.
Presentation: Poster Effects of tocopherols
on oxidative stability of margarine. Event: World Congress on
Science, Engineering and Technology. Paris, France. November 2011.
Presentation: Oral The effect of Zataria
multiflora Boiss. on growth and enterotoxin production of Staphylococcus
aureus ATCC 29213. Event: World Congress on
Science, Engineering and Technology. Paris, France. 25-26 April 2012.
Presentation: Poster Antioxidant and
antibacterial activities of rosemary extract, Mentha longifolia and
tocopherols mix in beef sausages during storage at 4°C. Event: National Congress
of Researchers of Food Safety. Tehran, Iran. 19 February 2012.
Presentation: Poster Effect of some plant
essential oils on the oxidative stability of olive oil. Event: National Congress
of Researchers of Food Safety. Tehran, Iran. 19 February 2012.
Presentation: Poster Contamination of cottage
butters with Staphylococcus aureus in local markets of Amol. Event: National Congress
of Researchers of Food Safety. Tehran, Iran. 19 February 2012.
Presentation: Poster Evaluation of three
essential oils from aromatic plants for controlling food spoilage and mycotoxin
producing fungi. Event: 12th
National Congress of Toxicology. Sari, Iran. 6-8 May 2013.
Presentation: Poster Evaluation of chemical
composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of Salvia sclarea. Event: 18th
Iranian Veterinary Congress. Tehran, Iran. 6-8 May 2014.
Presentation: Poster In vitro evaluation of chemical
composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of Ocimum basilicum. Event: 18th
Iranian Veterinary Congress. Tehran, Iran. 6-8 May 2014.
Presentation: Poster Evaluation of
antimicrobial effects of Ocimum basilicum and Salvia sclarea
essential oils in Iranian white cheese. Event: 22nd
National Congress of Food Science and Technology. Gorgan, Iran. 30 August 2014.
Presentation: Poster Effects of Ocimum
basilicum and Salvia sclarea essential oils on oxidative stability
of Iranian white cheese. Event: 22nd
National Congress of Food Science and Technology. Gorgan, Iran. 30 August 2014.
Presentation: Poster Effects of Zataria
multiflora Boiss. essential oil on growth and gene expression of
enterotoxins A, C and E in Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213. Event: 13th
International congress of Toxicology. Tehran, Iran. 14-15 May 2015.
Presentation: Poster Effects of Eugenia
caryophyllus and Origanum compactum essential oils on the growth of Staphylococcus
aureus ATCC 29213 and gene expression of enterotoxins A, C and E. Event: 13th
International Congress of Toxicology. Tehran, Iran. 14-15 May 2015.
Presentation: Poster Effects of Cuminum
cyminum L., Artemisia dracunculus L. and Ocimum basilicum
essential oils on growth and gene expression of enterotoxins C and E in Staphylococcus
aureus. Event: 16th
International Congress of Microbiology. Tehran, Iran. 25-27 August 2015.
Presentation: Poster Inhibitory potential of
zenyan essential oil against gene expression of enterotoxin A of Staphylococcus
aureus in fish. Event: 16th
International Congress of Microbiology. Tehran, Iran. 25-27 August 2015.
Presentation: Poster Efficacy of Anethum
graveolens and Satureja hortensis L. essential oils as antimicrobial
compounds in reducing Listeria monocytogenes in cheese as a food model. Event: 16th
International Congress of Microbiology. Tehran, Iran. 25-27 August 2015.
Comparing the effects of
rosemary, mint and savory essential oils on the microbial flora of leafy
vegetables. Event:
3rd Conference of Food Science and Technology. Isfahan, Iran. 9-11 September 2015.
Presentation: Poster Stabilization of canola
oil with alcoholic extracts of zenyan. Event: 3rd
Conference of Food Science and Technology. Isfahan, Iran. 9-11 September 2015.
Presentation: Poster The effect of enriching
canola oil with essential oil of zenyan in comparison with synthetic
antioxidant. Event: 3rd
Conference of Food Science and Technology. Isfahan, Iran. 9-11 September 2015.
Presentation: Poster Antiradical activity of
clove essential oil and extract in comparison with BHT. Event: 23rd
National Congress of Food Science and Technology. Babolsar, Iran. 27 November 2015.
Presentation: Poster Evaluation of
antioxidant capacity of edible essential oils savory and tarragon. Event: 1st
National Conference on Technological Achievements in Food Science and
Technology. Babolsar, Iran. 27 November 2015.
Presentation: Poster Oxidative spoilage of
fish fillets treated with essential oils of savory and tarragon during storage
period. Event: 1st
National Conference on Technological Achievements in Food Science and
Technology. Babolsar, Iran. 27 November 2015.
Presentation: Poster Antiradical activity of
thyme essential oil and extract in comparison with BHT. Event: 1st
National Conference on Technological Achievements in Food Science and
Technology. Babolsar, Iran 27 November 2015.
Comparing the effects of
thyme essential oil and extract on oxidative stability of pre-cooked frozen
fish fillet. Event: 1st
National Conference on Technological Achievements in Food Science and
Technology. Babolsar, Iran 27 November 2015.
Presentation: Poster Antimicrobial,
antioxidant and sensory properties of probiotic yogurt flavored with herbal
essential oils. Event: 19th
Iranian Veterinary Congress. Tehran, Iran. 26 April 2014.
Presentation: Poster Growth of Listeria
monocytogenes in presence of probiotic bacteria in Amol local cheese. Event: 19th
Iranian Veterinary Congress. Tehran, Iran. 26 April 2014.
Presentation: Poster Microbial, chemical and
sensory properties of pasteurized milk consumed in Amol. Event: 1st
Conference of Agronomy, Natural Resources and Veterinary. Ardakan, Iran. 11 May 2017.
Presentation: Poster Antioxidant activity of
essential oil and extract of mint cultivated in Mazandaran province. Event: 1st
Conference of Agronomy, Natural Resources and Veterinary. Ardakan, Iran. 11 May 2017.
Presentation: Poster Antibacterial properties
of mint cultivated in Babol. Event 1st
Conference of Agronomy, Natural Resources and Veterinary. Ardakan, Iran. 11 May 2017.
Presentation: Oral Evaluation of Staphylococcus
aureus infection in traditional ice cream in Mazandaran province. Event: 1st
International Conference on Modern Technologies in Science. Amol, Iran. 7 September 2017.
Presentation: Oral Investigation on the
frequency of enterotoxin A gene in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from
traditional ice cream samples in Mazandaran province. Event: 1st
International Conference on Modern Technologies in Science. Amol, Iran. 7 September 2017.
Presentation: Oral Survival of Lactobacillus
acidophilus, Lactobacillus fermentum and Bifidobacterium
Bb.12 in yogurt flavored with Mentha piperita and Ocimum basilicum. Event: 2nd
International and 25th Iranian Congress on Food Science and
Technology. Sari, Iran. 25-26 April 2018. Presentation: Oral Antifungal potential of Salvia sclarea
and Ocimum basilicum in cheese. Event: 2nd International and 25th
Iranian Congress on Food Science and Technology. Sari, Iran. 25-26 April 2018.
Presentation: Oral Investigating
anti-listerial effect of essential oils of basil and salvia in white feta
cheese. Event: 2nd
International and 25th Iranian Congress on Food Science and Technology.
Sari, Iran. 25-26 April 2018.
Presentation: Poster Antioxidant and
antimicrobial potential of essential oil and extract of mint. Event: 1st National
Conference on Food Hygiene. Urmia, Iran. 4-5 September 2018.
Presentation: Poster Antibacterial potential
of Mespilus germanica using microdilution method. Event: 1st National
Conference on Food Hygiene. Urmia, Iran. 4-5 September 2018.
Presentation: Poster Physical properties and
structural characteristics of clove essential oil encapsulated in chitosan Nanogel. Event: The 2nd
International Conference on Modern Technologies in Sciences. Amol, Iran. 13 March 2019.
Presentation: Poster Evaluation of quality of
ready-to-eat shrimp (Metapenaeus stebbingi) treated with plant essential oils
during storage. Event: The 2nd
International Conference on Modern Technologies in Sciences. Amol, Iran. 13 March 2019.
Presentation: Poster Evaluation of
Antimicrobial Effect of Zataria multiflora Boiss. Essential Oil on food-borne
pathogens by propidium monoazide - PCR . Event: The 2nd
International Conference on Modern Technologies in Sciences. Amol, Iran. 13 March 2019.
Presentation: Poster Antibacterial activity
of oil-in-water nanoemulsion loaded with Artemisia dracunculus L. essential oil. Event: 3rd International and 26th Iranian
Congress on Food Science and Technology. Tehran, Iran. 17-19 September 2019.
Presentation: Poster Evaluation of
antimicrobial efficacy of cumin nanoemulsion against some microbial strains. Event: 3rd International and 26th Iranian
Congress on Food Science and Technology. Tehran, Iran. 17-19 September 2019.
Presentation: Poster Determination of MIC -
MBC and antimicrobial effects of lime essential oil. Event: 3rd International and 26th Iranian
Congress on Food Science and Technology. Tehran, Iran. 17-19 September 2019.
Presentation: Poster Determination of
histamine levels in canned tuna fish marketed in Mazandaran province, Iran. Event: 7th Iranian Conference on Ichthyology. Lorestan,
Iran. 30-31 October 2019.
Presentation: Poster Evaluation of chemical
indices of distributed vegetable oil in Mazandaran province during shelflife
period. Event: The 27th
Iranian Congress on Food Science and Technology. Ahwaz, Iran. 4-5 February 2020.
Presentation: Poster Evaluation of Iodine
Content and Purity of Iodized Table Salt Distributed in Province of Mazandaran
in 1398. Event: The 27th
Iranian Congress on Food Science and Technology. Ahwaz, Iran. 4-5 February 2020.
Presentation: Poster Food fortification and
its effect on consumers’ health. Event: The 27th
Iranian Congress on Food Science and Technology. Ahwaz, Iran. 4-5 February 2020.
Presentation: Oral Application of starch in
the production of nanomaterials used in the food industry. Event: The 1th
Iranian National Conference on Modern Veterinary Technologies. Amol, Iran. 7 September 2021.
Presentation: Oral Use of nanotechnology in
preserving the bioactivity of Tarkhineh soup. Event: The 1th
Iranian National Conference on Modern Veterinary Technologies. Amol, Iran. 7 September 2021.
Presentation: Oral Antimicrobial effect of chitosan
coating containing barberry extract on the population of lactic acid bacteria, mold
and yeast in ready-to-eat chicken. Event: The 1th
Iranian National Conference on Modern Veterinary Technologies. Amol, Iran. 7 September 2021.
Presentation: Poster Prevalance of
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in raw milk sold in the
local markets in Mazandaran province (Iran). Event: The 3th National
Conference on Food Safety and Hygiene. Tehran, Iran. 16-17 October 2021.
Presentation: Poster Nanoencapsulation of
lactic acid bacteria using sodium alginate to increase survival in yogurt as a
food model. Event: The 3th National
Conference on Food Safety and Hygiene. Tehran, Iran. 16-17 October 2021.
1- Food Microbiology, R. Farahmandfar, E.S. Saremi, M. Shahiri Tabarestani and M. Azizkhani. 1393. Sahra Shargh Publication. Mashad. ISBN: 978-600-93552-2-8 2-Translation of Probiotic Dairy products. Mahnoosh Parsaeimehr and Maryam Azizkhani. 1395. Semnan university Publication. ISBN: 978-600-7065-94-5 Supervised Dissertations and Theses
Thesis title: Characterization of Iranian virgin olive
oil of the Roodbar region: a study on Zard, Mari and Phishomi. Student: Sepideh Haghighat, September 2010 - February
2012. Awarding Institution: University of Mazandaran, Iran.
Thesis title: Assessing antioxidant and antimicrobial
effects of Ocimum basilicum and Salvia sclarea essential oils
during the shelf-life of Iranian white cheese at 4°C. Student: Maryam Boreiri, September 2013 - October
2015. Awarding Institution: University of Khazar, Iran.
Thesis title: Evaluation of physical, mechanical and
anti-microbial properties of nanocomposites produced from chitosan and ZnO
nanoparticles. Student: Mazaher Gholipour, September 2013 - November
2015. Awarding Institution: University of Khazar, Iran.
Thesis title: Effect of clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
extract and essential oil on the oxidative stability of cooked salmon during
frozen storage. Student: Hamidreza Shabani, September 2014 - December
2016. Awarding Institution: University of Khazar, Iran.
Thesis title: Effect of Satureja hotensis L.
and Artemisia dracunculus L. essential oils on the oxidative stability
of cooked salmon during frozen storage. Student: Parisa Feizi, September 2014 - October 2016. Awarding Institution: University of Khazar, Iran.
Thesis title: Effect of thyme (Thymus vulgares)
essential oil and extract on the oxidative stability of cooked trout during
frozen storage. Student: Niloufar Abdi , September 2014 - January
2016. Awarding Institution: University of Khazar, Iran.
Thesis title: Antioxidant effect of essential oils of
cloves, summer savory and tarragon on grape seed and virgin olive oils. Student: Shiva Puramin, September 2015 - December
2017. Awarding Institution: University of Khazar, Iran.
Thesis title: Antioxidant effect of essential oils of
common zataria (Zataria multiflora), cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
and ajowan (Carum capticum) on grape seed and virgin olive oils. Student: Fatemeh Adinehpour, September 2015 - December
2017. Awarding Institution: University of Khazar, Iran.
Thesis title: Antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of
nanoemulsion of Artemisia dracunculus essential oil. Student: Freshteh Jafari, September 2018 - May 2020. Awarding Institution: Amol University of Special
Modern Technologies, Iran.
Thesis title: The effect of nanoemulsion of Cuminum
cyminum essential oil on the chemical, microbial and sensory properties of
chicken fillet stored at 4°C. Student: Talayeh Fallah, September 2018 - January
2020. Awarding Institution: Amol University of Special
Modern Technologies, Iran.
Thesis title: Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties
of clove nanoemulsion and lemon essential oil, along with marinade (sodium
chloride salt, sodium lactate and lactic acid) on the shelf-life of
phytophagous fish kept in the refrigerator. Student: Fatemeh Tari, September 2018 - February 2020. Awarding Institution: Amol University of Special
Modern Technologies, Iran.
Thesis title: Assessing erythromycin sensitivity in
vancomycin resistant S. aureus (VRSA) and vancomycin sensitive S.
aureus (VSSA) isolates from raw milk. Student: Hamid Adim, September 2017 - May 2020. Awarding Institution: Amol University of Special
Modern Technologies, Iran.
Thesis title: Reciprocal recognition of the meat type
used in kebab meat supplied roadside restaurants of north Khorasan province
using Taqman real time PCR. Student: Sahar Porzahmat, September 2017 - June 2020. Awarding Institution: Amol University of Special
Modern Technologies, Iran.
Thesis title: Comparison of antioxidant activity,
antifungal and antibacterial effects of cow, camel, goat and ewe milk kefirs. Student: Mehdi Baniasadi, September 2017 – June 2020. Awarding Institution: Amol University of Special
Modern Technologies, Iran.
Thesis title: Optimization of
fortified energy food formulations with nutrients, Amygdalus scoparia
and Lepidium sativum L. gums. Student: AmirHossein Razjoo, September 2018 – June 2020. Awarding Institution: Amol University of Special
Modern Technologies, Iran.
Thesis title: Antimicrobial and
antioxidant activity of nanoemulsion of
Citrus limon L. essential oil. Student: Frideh Deylam, September 2018 – June 2020. Awarding Institution: Amol University of Special
Modern Technologies, Iran.
Thesis title: Evaluation of
antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of peptides extracted from native kefirs
of Semnan produced from cow and ewe milk. Student: Azam Sodanlo, September 2019 – September 2021. Awarding Institution: Amol University of Special
Modern Technologies, Iran.
Thesis title: Evaluation of
viability of probiotic bacteria nanoencapsulated with biopolymers in simulated
gastrointestinal model. Student: Reza Atraki, September 2019 – September 2021. Awarding Institution: Amol University of Special
Modern Technologies, Iran.
Thesis title: Evaluation of
nanoencapsulation of lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacteria with starch and
sodium alginate to enhance viability in food model. Student: Sahel Ghorbani, September 2019 – September
2021. Awarding Institution: Amol University of Special
Modern Technologies, Iran.
Thesis title: comparison of carotenoid extraction
efficiency from red Quinoa(Chenopodium
quinoa) by ultrasound assisted and supercritical fluid methods and evaluation
of antioxidant activity of purified carotenoid on the oxidative stability of
soybean oil. Student: Parva Abdollahi, September 2019 - -. Awarding Institution: Sari Agricultural and Natural
Resources UNiversity, Iran.
Thesis title: Antimicrobial and antioxidant
activity of nanoemulsions of Trachyspermum copticum, Mentha pulegium and
Satureja hortensis essential oil. Student: Maryam Heydari, September 2018 – September
2021. Awarding Institution: Amol University of Special
Modern Technologies, Iran.
Research Projects
Research Projects 1. F.Tooryan, M.Azizkhani, H.
Shokri. Evaluation of chemical compositions, antibacterial and antifungal
activities of Thymus satureioides, Ocimum basilicum and Salvia sclarea
essential oils. 2013. 2. M.Azizkhani, F.Tooryan,
M. ParsaeeMehr. Effects of Eugenia caryophyllus and Origanum compactum
essential oils on growth and gene expression of enterotoxins A, C and E in
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213. 2014. 3. H. Hosseini. M.
Mahmoodzadeh, F. Shahraz, M. Azizkhani, R. Khaksar. The effect
of Carum Copticum essential oil on virulence genes )stx1,stx2( expression in
Escherichia coli O157:H7 in broth medium and minced beef. 2012.
4. F.Tooryan, M.Azizkhani, Comparison of antioxidant activity of Carum copticum essential oil, aqueous and alcoholic
extracts in canola oil. 2014. 5. M.Azizkhani, F.Tooryan.
Effects of Carum Copticum essential oil on gene expression of enterotoxins A
and C in Staphylococcus aureus in broth medium and Kilka surimi fish
(Clupeonella cultriventris caspia). 2015. 6. F.Tooryan, M.Azizkhani, Antioxidant
and antimicrobial effects of Anethum graveolens and Satureja hotensis L.
essential oils in cheese as a food model. 2015. 7. M.Azizkhani, F.Tooryan. Antimicrobial,
antioxidant and sensory properties of probiotic yogurt flavored with herbal
essential oils. 2015. 8. M.Azizkhani, F.Tooryan.
of Staphylococcus aureus producing enterotoxins A-E in cream pastry products
applying PCR coupling with propidium monoazide. 2018. 9. P. Shohreh,
M.Azizkhani, Food Poisoning Bacteria from some Commercially Important Fish
Species Collected from Markets in Mazandaran, Iran. 2019. 10. M.Azizkhani. Nanoencapsulation of clove essential oil in
chitosan nanogel: Study on its physical properties, structural characteristics,
antioxidant and antimicrobial effects, 2019. 11.M. Azizkhani, F. Tooryan. The
effect of nanoemulsion of Artemisia dracunculus L. essential oil on virulence
genes (stx1,stx2) expression in Escherichia coli O157:H7, 2020.
12. P. Shohreh,
M.Azizkhani, Hystamine content in Commercially Important Fish Species in Iran.
2019. |
Updated: 10/15/2021 5:37:45 PM |